Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let's talk about the perfect 4th of July Cookout!  Who doesn't love this time of year?  All your family and friends getting together, drinking responsibly (lol), the best of summer time cooking and grilling, fires and smores.  How about the infamous Horse Shoe Tournament with all the guys?  And let's not forget the fun of getting to set off "now legal in the State of RI"  fireworks and firecrackers.  This is the one day a year that we men, well you know, get to act like men.  I'm sure you guys out there know what I'mean.  For instance, throwing fire crackers at your best friends feet? hahaha  Good Times...

Now let's talk about the not so fun part.  The days before the 4th of July Cookout.  The yard needs to be mowed, the bushes need to be cut, the flowers need to be weeded and mulched and brush needs to be picked up and we haven't gotten to the details yet.  For example, what are you going to do about the mosquitoes and ticks?   Your wife has given you a honey "to do list" on top of everything else you need to get done.   OK, breath...  I know this can be overwhelming.  I get it.  You work all day and it's impossible to get everything you need to do done.  What do you do?  You call me that's what you do!  I can take care of ALL the yard work for you.  ONE PRICE, ONE TIME and you don't need to worry or stress-out about everything being done on time.  I'm on it.  I can even take care of Insect and tick problems if you give me enough time before your cookout.  Fine Line Landscape and Lawn's goal is to be an asset to you.  We are working to exceed your expectations.  Your yard will look great, you'll feel great for getting everything done and your wife will be happy. Call us, we got you covered.

Tip of the Day- All great leaders know how to delegate responsibility  What make them great is they know how to delegate the responsibility to the best authority for that job.  For your Lawn Care needs, Fine Line Landscape and Lawn are your guys.

Please call for a free estimate:  Scott Cohen- 401-368-4135

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Need a reasons to hire a Lanscaper? I got one for yah

During the years of home ownership, it is typical to perform repairs and updates to increase the value of your home.  What about your yard?  Did you know that well maintained landscaped yards can increase the value of your home up to 10's of thousand of dollars?  Most people invest little on the landscape of their home.  Did you know landscaping can be the single lowest investment that can give you the largest return in value on your property?

We all live busy lives.  Its easy to neglect your lawn.  I'm here to tell you, it's NOT YOUR FAULT.  I wouldn't expect a Plummer to come and re-wire my house.  Chances are, your not a landscaper.  Fine Line Landscape and Lawn specializes in yard design, plants and the maintenance of a healthy lawn. Fine Line Landscaping can correct a problem like above and offer you some innovative design ideas to give your yard an Extreme-Yard Makeover.
Who wouldn't want to come home to a beautiful yard like this?  What type of value would you think something like this would add to your home?  How about the piece of mind of just calling this your home.  Call Fine Line Landscape and Lawn and ask for Scott- 401-368-4135

Monday, May 21, 2012

Is Hiring a Professional Landscaper Expensive?

In today's busy world, it has become more typical for both husband and wife to work out of the house.  Add a couple kids to the mix and now you have NO TIME FOR ANYTHING.  With Soccer practice, Dance Class, Company Meetings, etc., it makes it difficult to keep up with weekly or bi-weekly yard maintenance.  Quite honestly, the yard work gets slotted at the very end of a LONG priority list.

We at Fine Line Landscape and Lawn can fix that problem.  We are sure we can find a custom plan that works for you.  The cost of weekly or bi-weekly yard maintenance can be as low as $40 a week or bi-weekly.  Most people spend that with their daily coffee and breakfast sandwich.  What is it worth to you to have your yard look "Picture Perfect" and gain that time?   Please realize the cost of the maintenance is based on the size of your yard and what services you want performed.  We offer FREE ESTIMATES so you know exactly what to expect for what price.

Other Services Offered

1.  One Time Clean-Up.---  For a special occasion or cook-out.  We don't want you to stress out trying to get ready for that big family event our annual cookout.  We can help.  We will come out and provide you a FREE ESTIMATE based on your needs.  We can also provide suggestions to help you make your yard look its very best.

2.  Mosquitos, Flea and Tick Treatments---  Nobody likes those pesky critters.  They can be harmful to people and animals by causing disease or even death. One bite can make you liable for $100.00's or even 1000.00's of dollars in vet or Dr's bills.  By treating your property twice a year you can reduce your risk .  Fine Line Landscaping is fully certified to handle pesticides for the treatment of your lawn.  Using toxic chemicals requires special handling and training.  Why put yourself in a position to put you, your family and animals at risk?  Would you have an accountant build you a house?

For any questions or a FREE ESTIMATE, please call Scott Cohen at Ph# 401-368-4135

Friday, May 18, 2012

Why use a Professional Landscaper????

In today's busy world with two working parents it's important to find ways to help with time management.  Most of us have busy jobs, a wife or husband, kids, friends, etc. After working all week, the weekly chores need to be done. If I could find you an affordable way to save time and a good reasons to hire a professional lawn care service would you consider it?  You work really hard to make a "life" for you and your family.  When do YOU get the time to enjoy what you work for and the people you work so hard to make happy?  I'm here to help you!

What are the Advantages of Hiring a Lawn Care Service

1.  Service-  You want to maintain an attractive lawn. Fine Line Landscaping can do just that.

2.  Expertise- As a lawn care professional, I understand plants and what needs to be done to create and maintain an attractive lawn.

3.  Simplifies- By using my service, the worries of treating your lawn with the correct pesticides (to protect your kids and animals from insect attacks) and the proper fertilizers will no longer be necessary

4.  Time-  Taking care of your lawn properly can be a time consuming job for you.  By using Fine Line Landscaping you can save that time and do the things that you never have time for.

5.  Liability-  The proper storage of fertilizers and pesticides should be put in a locked, waterproof and ventilated area.  They are poisonous to people and animals.  Why store them if you don't need too. By using Fine Line Landscaping, we got you covered.

6.  Risk-  If fertilizers and/or pesticides are applied incorrectly, they can cause harm to your lawn and the environment.  Why take the risk?

Please call us for a Free Assessment.  We want your business.  No job too big or small.  Call Scott at 401-368-4135